Friday, 20 November 2015

Following us on Twitter

The Genomics Core now has two Twitter accounts, you can follow me @CIgenomics (James Hadfield, Head of Genomics) and hear about things I think are interesting, but which you might not necessarily be interested in; and/or you can follow our sequencing queue @CRUKgenomecore which puts out live Tweets directly from the sequencing LIMS.

How does the LIMS Tweet: Some clever work by Rich in Bioinformatics has allowed us to pull out data directly from Genologics Clarity LIMs queue using a script run every 24 hours, and the Twitter API then allows that script to post messages on our behalf. Because of this the Tweets about our queue should happen every day and without manual intervention. Hopefully you'll be able to rely on these to give you a reasonable idea of how long you might have to wait for your sequencing results. Of course we can't predict what will happen with your particular sample so please treat the Tweet as a guide.

Tweets explained: The Tweets have a format that we hope is pretty intuitive, but we've described what all the bits of information mean below...

Thanks especially to Rich Bowers in the Bioinformatics core for pulling all of this together from a vaguely described idea by me.